When Staying Home Means Leaving Home

It's funny how things happen. When I was nineteen I had this nasty habit of locking my keys in my car. One time in particular my nasty habit changed my life. I was a job-hunting student heading to Superstore to apply to be a cashier when I - surprise, surprise - locked my keys in my car. While waiting for my dad to come with the spare key I decided to hand out the extra resumes I had in my hands. Across the street from the Superstore was this funny cement building built into the hill - Vivo (Cardel Place). I'd been there a few times for figure skating and figured I might as well try my luck and apply. Within a few days I was lined up for an interview and shortly after I received a phone call for Josh, asking if he was available to start training that Sunday. Naturally, I returned the call, saying that Josh likely didn't receive the good news but that I was available to start on Sunday. As it turned out, Josh and I both had our first day that Sunday. I didn't kn...