Getting Back to Love

Energy is a powerful thing. Sometimes just walking into a room can overwhelm us with energy, positive or negative. As a child I didn't understand what this was, but I do remember feeling it. I remember feeling responsible for it and I remember searching for solutions to deal with it. I spent a lot of energy trying to help others feel happier, I still do. Being a peacemaker comes naturally, maybe it's being the middle child, maybe it's just me, who knows. It brings me joy to lift others or help others to work through a problem but for all of the joy it brings it is equally exhausting. When I was young I can remember feeling the weight of peacemaking and finding ways to release it. As young as elementary school I can remember picturing to one side, my favourite things, and on the other, the things that felt heavy. With each exhale I would picture all of the heavy things leaving my brain and on the inhale I would picture my favourite things filling the space. In and out, unti...