Play On

Playing is just as important for adults as it is for kids. If you don't believe it, you probably haven't played in a while. We spent the morning at the outdoor rink. the boys played ball hockey while I spent some time playing my very favourite, lacrosse - and I have missed it so much. This morning I didn't think about how many calories I was burning or the food I was working off. I thought about my life playing with the most amazing ladies, how much fun we had on and off the floor. I thought about my mom, driving us all over the city, working bingos and casinos so we could play. I thought about the joy that sport brought to my life, not just on the floor, but off. I made some of my best friends in sport, was inspired by role models, and built confidence. I thought about the incredible coaches I had that truly made a difference. When I was thirteen I was looking for a change from figure skating. Fortunately for me, my mom heard about a girls lacrosse team starting...