Walking for More

This year our oldest little fella started Kindergarten. A massive milestone that, despite my firm belief that it wouldn't bother me, knocked me right on my butt. But I'll save that for another post when it's ready to come out. These last few months we've been biking and walking to school - something I wished I could do as a kid. Something that my boys love waking up and doing. One morning we were late - strapped for time because (for the nine-millionth time) why does no one have their shoes on yet?! - I was scooping up all of our things to rush out to the car when I saw the boys half-way down the sidewalk. I was about to call after them to tell them we were going to drive and then I reconsidered. As we made our way, haphazardly down the sidewalk towards the school I couldn't help but feel overjoyed. Things like physical literacy , play, and active living have been a huge consideration for us as parents since day one - thanks Dr. Mark Tremblay . Being mindful of...