Cling to Love

Writing again - it feels like it is time. For two years I have removed myself from many of the platforms that I took comfort in and found connection in. My heart has been troubled by the division and the hate. Maybe I slept well, maybe it's been marinating and is ready to boil over but today I woke up and knew it was time to write again. I'm not here choosing a side, telling you who to vote for, what to do with your body, or who is right and who is wrong. I am here because love remains the answer and it remains the calling on my heart to share. We have seen our share of shocking, disturbing, heartbreaking events over the last few years. We have argued and been divided, we have chosen a side and judged freely. There will forever be various beliefs, ways of seeing something, and beliefs in how to handle situations - we will and should never all think the same. Imagine a world where we all think the same. I imagine that world would still be flat, have the universe revolving aroun...