
Showing posts from July, 2016


Fear. It's one of those trendy-type things now, you know "feel the fear and do it anyway" and all that jazz. It's also one of our most basic states. From a very young age, fear is something we know and a state that our body enters with relatively little stimulus. We enter it in a physiological state - that flight or fight response - and we enter it in a mental state - when we don't understand.  There's a lot I don't understand. The past few weeks have produced several events that I don't understand, that I may never really understand. I'm not writing to convince anyone to take either side. I believe every situation needs to be examined independently of others, in its entirety - all details included. But I would be lying if I said I had little fear in regards to the recent events. I am afraid. And I am confused. And I am saddened. Why are people being judged by the colour of their skin or the profession they choose? Why are so many people being sh...