Practicing Vacation

We just came home from vacation, le sigh. It was magic, who doesn't love vacation?! And who doesn't want more vacation in their life?! The answer is everyone - haha - everyone wants more vacation in their life. I've been thinking about this a lot. I have never really liked the idea of "living for vacation" and over the last few weeks, I couldn't stop thinking about that notion. It seems sad to me to live a life in anticipation. Don't get me wrong, looking forward to vacation is normal, good, exciting, all of that - but living the majority of your life for a few weeks of vacation? It seems to me that life is simply too short and that we deserve to live much happier lives. On vacation, I started a list of the things I loved the most about vacation. Walking to the park in the morning topped my list. Every morning we would head out to the park, I would get a good walk in and the boys would get to run around, play imaginary baseball, soccer, basketball or at ...