rediscovered love

I once posted about running and how I was so convinced that you could not actually love running, that those who do claim to love running are liars.
I was wrong.
I found my love, it was there all along, I was merely frustrated that I couldn't connect with it.
It's now a healthy addiction that I feed mostly everyday, and so far the love affair is amazing.
Still can't find your love?
Love for running isn't about burning calories, losing weight, training your heart, etc.
Love for running is a complete and overwhelming feeling of sync with your body. It is when your mind takes over, your body moves in the rhythmic motion without noticing, you stand tall, push forward off your toes and run from your gut. It's running like a kid again, fast and free like the wind, feeling the exhilaration of coming as close to flying as our bodies will take us.
It's a beautiful thing. It's a therapeutic thing. It's pure love.
Now there is one large factor that MUST be mentioned when outlining my love for running - vibram five fingers.
These shoes (if they can even be called that) have absolutely changed my running life. Pre-vff I was having constant knee and hip pain no matter how I changed my stride, no matter how much I stretched - the only thing that made my pain stop was to stop running. So I did.
Luckily I stumbled upon an article on barefoot running - how simple, it's how I live my life in so many other areas! Why not run with what our amazing bodies have provided us?!
Our foot is a highly evolved running shoe on it's own!
We don't need all of these shoes with thick soles, arch support, ankle support. Our feet already know how to run! They have been doing it for years, before nike and asics existed! And they did it well and they did it injury free.
I'm a believer, I will never go back. I now run injury free, pain free, faster and longer than I ever did before, and I know that it's all because I can run how my body wants to, how my body was designed to, like I'm a barefooted child, free of cares, flying in the wind.
Irust your body, trust it's amazing qualities.


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