Meet my Maria

A proper introduction is always nice, so if you're feeling up to it - meet Maria.
To borrow the words of a fellow Albertan, I am Alberta Bound. I was accidentally born in BC, but was raised in Alberta and am now raising my boys in Alberta. I love this province and forever will. My roots are planted deep in Stampede City - Calgary, I am proud to call it my home.  The cowboy culture has not been lost on me and my everyday life is filled to the brim with country class. I am married to my best friend and we have been fortunate enough to have two boys, Stetson and Porter. I love nothing more than watching their brains grow as they experience and explore this world.  I love to run, I was born to run. I am a five year barefoot runner and will never look back. There is nothing that makes me feel so free yet so in tune with my body. I love to research, my sister calls me "Google" and I am often heard quoting Dorothy Ann from The Magic School Bus, "according to my research..." I am passionate about play and life has so kindly surrounded me with my passion. I believe the best way to learn is to experience. I believe our bodies have been divinely designed to behave in certain ways, and sitting is not one of them. 
I love to write but do so only when I am completely consumed with what I am writing about. I am committed to challenging the conventional. I want to show you that you can do so many things, that maybe the ways we have been doing some things are not the best or only ways, that we can trust our bodies and their intentional designs to know and do best. I don't plan to move mountains or shatter reality as you know it - sometimes the smallest changes can have the biggest impact. I can't promise one focused approach to blogging, I can't promise to blog on schedule but I can promise to give you my best, back it up with research and only write that which I believe with my whole heart. I guarantee you will find a mixed bag of posts ranging from research-laden to mommy life to my thoughts for the day. My hope is that someone might read what they are looking for, that someone's day might be made better, that someone might take their kids outside to play rather than sit them in front of the TV.
Everything I do is done with love, you will find nothing other than love on these pages. I believe in energy, I believe that we give and receive each other's energy whether we are aware of it or not. I intend to only radiate the positive, there's no room for negative energy here. 


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