Walking 365

In 2014 it was on trend, and I chose, to select one word for the year. That year I chose "devotion" - and outlined what that meant for me - 2014 sort of just snowballed into 2015, with a three month old and an almost two year old. It seems devotion, by default, became my word for 2015 as well. This year I've graduated from the one word selection and am choosing a whole phrase for my year. Yesterday my sister, who also happens to be my best friend, sent me a photo:

*photo from the ever so sweet, Lace Brick Design 

She said to me, "it's so simple and maybe a little cliché, but this is exactly what you need to do."

With my boys growing older and their independence increasing I am choosing 2016 as the year I start to do more things that make me happy. I, as I am sure we all do, can be so busy helping everyone else, preparing everyone else, that I forget to make and take time for me. I'm not complaining, and I'm still relatively new to this - so, as I approach the three year mark as a momma, I will put in a conscious effort, everyday, to do more of what I love. 

Which leads me to my next part. 

I love waking and running. Running has become a chore, as silly as this may sound, even when I have time to go for the run - the shower, hairwashing and doing that follows makes a thirty minute run feel more like a half-day event. My love for running remains and I'm not closing that chapter but perhaps just bookmarking it and choosing to walk for now. Last week my cousin shared this awesome article The article reiterates my beliefs (not unfounded) of the connection between exercise and happiness and nature and happiness. I adore the no-fuss, no nonsense attitude of choosing a form of exercise that is flexible, free, independent, fulfilling and truly looked forward to. I read it with a smile and couldn't help but picture my mom's perpetually tied, well-worn Nikes, sitting on the top shelf of her shoe rack. I felt so connected to this article, recalling all of the mornings that I woke up to my mom, having just come home from a run or walk, hair in a scrunchy, glasses fogged from the temperature change and that navy and green Thinsulate ear band. My mom modelled the no-fuss, low impact, low intensity and commitment to movement and daily exercise that I want to model to my sons - and more importantly that I want to take part in! 
For the coming 365 I am committing to walking, everyday. And I don't mean the incidental - I mean intentionally, taking time for myself, to do more of what I love, to walk, everyday, whether it's thirty minutes or two hours, on my own, with a friend or pushing my sons in the stroller - I am walking 365. 

I debated sharing this goal, I don't feel goals needs to be public nor am I further motivated by sharing my personal goals publicly. I've decided to share this because I thought there might be someone else out there, who wants to take a little more time for themselves, who wants to give no-fuss, low intensity, low impact exercise a try. If this speaks to you then my decision to share walking 365 has served its purpose - there is nothing that I love more than helping and inspiring others.
Don't feel you need to, but if it motivates or pleases you, follow along on Instagram @alannamariab and post your #walking365 photos - I'd love to see the walking storm we can start, hahah!



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