Choosing Reflections

A few weeks ago I found myself telling a friend how these little things, somewhat themes, keep appearing in my life and I can't help but wonder if others experience this too. Let me explain. 
I've been reading a book, The Art of Possibility, and one of the notions - it's all invented - was a total throw back to High School English for me. We did a film study of Don Juan de Marco, good old Johnny Depp, Marlon Brando and Faye Dunaway. If you haven't watched this movie I hope you will - even if you're not watching it for the reasons I am about to tell you, it is still enjoyable. Johnny Depp plays a patient with mental health issues and believes himself to be Don Juan - the world's greatest lover. Despite being a patient of a hospital, diagnosed with a delusional disorder he is able to bring love, light and beauty into the lives of not just the staff working with him but his therapist, played by Marlon Brando. Anyway, I will not recite the synopsis, please watch the film, haha!
When I watched this film in high school my brain was opened to the idea that our reality is what we see, choose and feel. Even though I may experience something with another person our reality of that experience is different. Our differences stem from so many factors - our upbringing, experiences, bias, etc. Our brain works to interpret our world and therefore what we perceive to be reality is in essence only what our brains make of it. The beautiful part of this is once we are aware of this, we can choose that reality that our brain helps us perceive. 
A long time ago I choose to live like love. A choice that shifted my reality to be perceived as love would perceive it. What would love do? In life, in as many situations as I can, I try to do what love would do - like Johnny Depp choosing to do what Don Juan would do.
I've been thinking so much about this year, my intentions, goals, dream, etc. Last year was a wonderful year, I found balance, did more of what I love and ultimately found myself again, even if I am a little different than before. Last year felt like a tough act to follow and I started to overthink - at which point I let it go - let go of the feeling of pressure to decide on an intention, to choose a goal or outline my year.
Once I let go, space opened up. Space that I believe the universe fills, if you will allow it. This year I am turning thirty and for me this is a year of reflection, not intention. As nudged by the universe with these reappearing themes, I will spend this year reflecting on those themes, experiences, people and places that all fit together to make me who I am. 
I leave you with my favourite quote from the film - a quote that I find so much truth in.

- lovefrommaria


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