
Showing posts from 2018

Walking for More

This year our oldest little fella started Kindergarten. A massive milestone that, despite my firm belief that it wouldn't bother me, knocked me right on my butt. But I'll save that for another post when it's ready to come out. These last few months we've been biking and walking to school - something I wished I could do as a kid. Something that my boys love waking up and doing. One morning we were late - strapped for time because (for the nine-millionth time) why does no one have their shoes on yet?! - I was scooping up all of our things to rush out to the car when I saw the boys half-way down the sidewalk. I was about to call after them to tell them we were going to drive and then I reconsidered. As we made our way, haphazardly down the sidewalk towards the school I couldn't help but feel overjoyed. Things like  physical literacy , play, and active living have been a huge consideration for us as parents since day one - thanks Dr. Mark Tremblay . Being mindful of...

Getting Wello

Last Thursday morning didn't start all that different than most. My alarm woke me up deliberately before the boys, so that I could start my hair and make up before the chaos. I curled my hair while checking my calendar, mentally prepping for the day of meetings ahead of me. As I finished my makeup I heard the fellas rousing, the typical sounds of a four and five year old dressing themselves while simultaneously wrestling with eachother. I made my way to their room to remind them to hustle - feeding everyone breakfast and packing lunches before the walk to school is a small victory that we claim most mornings - most mornings. That's when I saw it, the red rash spreading across my youngest fella's body. The rash that changes plans, keeps you home from work, away from school, cuddled up, and constantly comforting. Parents - you know the scene. Your little human is not well and sleep seems like a thing of the past. There's a fever, or a nasty cough, rash, insert other ailm...

You Deserve to Slow Down

Welp, I'm sick. Chills, fever, burning cheeks, nausea - no joke I am lying in bed as I type this. But if you read my posts, and know me, you know that when I feel compelled to write something, I do. It's like an itch, but a good one, that I just can't ignore. So here goes. I've been home with sick fellas since Thursday. First Porter, then Stetson, with hand, foot, and mouth. Let's start with the shame and guilt there - despite it being a very common illness in young children. I feel like a bad parent and a bad housekeeper. We are essentially on quarantine - and I don't blame anyone - it's not a fun one to get. So there's that. Then there's me. The idealist, the pleaser, the everything to everyone. At home. Away from work for two full days, and counting. Rescheduling and missing meetings. Trying my best to answer emails and still produce. I'd be lying if I said I haven't been planning in my head, repeating over and over my to-do list. Rec...

To My Friends Having Their First Baby

My sweet friend, I am so very happy for you. I truly am. You are experiencing one of the greatest gifts - a gift that not all women are able to receive. I have seen those women, and known them, even though I am not one. Accept your gift and feel that gratitude. You are no doubt, going through one of the biggest changes ever. Your body is not your own, there's a tiny human growing in it! Your priorities have shifted and already you are thinking about that tiny human before yourself - you'll do that a lot. Soon you'll bring that tiny human into this world - however that happens I hope you know what a champion you are. None of us can plan how that goes, you could write all the birth plans in the world and that tiny human will not give a hoot about your birth plan. Remember how many women have come before you, and how many different ways 7+ billion humans have made their entrances - a teeny tiny percentage of whom maybe followed their birth plan. Maybe. And then there you ...

Filling in the Gaps

Being a working mom can come with some guilt. Let's be honest, being a parent, in general, comes with guilt. Trying to be everything to everyone gets old really fast, not to mention it's impossible. When I chose to accept a full-time role over a year ago I knew there were compromises that would come. Pursuing a cause that I am passionate about and balancing it with parenting has been on my mind a lot. I am grateful to be with an organization that is supportive of this, and true to our mission of raising healthier generations recognizes the health benefits that a flexible schedule grants to our family. There are many days though, that call for some extra help with childcare and it's on those days that the guilt creeps in. You know that guilt, the "I should be with my kids now" "Maybe I shouldn't work full-time" and on and on. Yesterday life gave me the sweetest reminder to embrace the village and remember that we are stronger together. While...

Play On

Playing is just as important for adults as it is for kids. If you don't believe it, you probably haven't played in a while. We spent the morning at the outdoor rink. the boys played ball hockey while I spent some time playing my very favourite, lacrosse - and I have missed it so much.  This morning I didn't think about how many calories I was burning or the food I was working off. I thought about my life playing with the most amazing ladies, how much fun we had on and off the floor. I thought about my mom, driving us all over the city, working bingos and casinos so we could play. I thought about the joy that sport brought to my life, not just on the floor, but off. I made some of my best friends in sport, was inspired by role models, and built confidence. I thought about the incredible coaches I had that truly made a difference.  When I was thirteen I was looking for a change from figure skating. Fortunately for me, my mom heard about a girls lacrosse team starting...

Showing Up

In March I died my hair and I cut my hair. I know this is seemingly trivial or silly but it turns out it was a lot more than that, and it has taken me nearly four months to see that. I've been reflecting on it a lot lately and thought I would share. For as long as I can remember I have had blonde hair, it's a part of my identity. And for the majority of my adult life, I have had long blonde hair. Anyway, this post wasn't meant to be about me recounting the colour of my hair, more so how my hair colour seems to be a visual manifestation of how I am feeling on the inside. On the spring equinox, I found myself with my best friend, at the salon having inches of hair cut off and my blonde locks darkened. I was ready for a change. The next day I was interviewing for a new role, my "grown-up" role, a role in line with my passion that truly energizes me. Without a doubt, this was a time of change for me. I was putting myself out there, vulnerable and committed to acce...

Practicing Vacation

We just came home from vacation, le sigh. It was magic, who doesn't love vacation?! And who doesn't want more vacation in their life?! The answer is everyone - haha - everyone wants more vacation in their life. I've been thinking about this a lot. I have never really liked the idea of "living for vacation" and over the last few weeks, I couldn't stop thinking about that notion. It seems sad to me to live a life in anticipation. Don't get me wrong, looking forward to vacation is normal, good, exciting, all of that - but living the majority of your life for a few weeks of vacation? It seems to me that life is simply too short and that we deserve to live much happier lives. On vacation, I started a list of the things I loved the most about vacation. Walking to the park in the morning topped my list. Every morning we would head out to the park, I would get a good walk in and the boys would get to run around, play imaginary baseball, soccer, basketball or at ...

A Kind Birthday

Last year you all made for the most amazing birthday present. With your support, I was able to take part in  Habitat for Humanity's Women Build . And I didn't just take part, together you lifted me to be the top fundraiser in the entire campaign. I'm still emotional and blown away when I think about it. So again,  thank you . Thank you to everyone who took the time to donate, share or encourage me along the way - you set the stage for thirty to be one of my best years ever.  This year I'm not building a house, but I do still have a small birthday wish. My wish is to see 31 acts of kindness between now and the end of the April. They don't have to be big and they don't have to be expensive - they just need to come from the heart.  I have this incredible friend in my life and she's on a journey to make the world a kinder, more caring, and connected place. And let me tell you, she does this,  every single day . Every day she shows up with kindness on, sh...

Getting Back to Love

Energy is a powerful thing. Sometimes just walking into a room can overwhelm us with energy, positive or negative. As a child I didn't understand what this was, but I do remember feeling it. I remember feeling responsible for it and I remember searching for solutions to deal with it. I spent a lot of energy trying to help others feel happier, I still do. Being a peacemaker comes naturally, maybe it's being the middle child, maybe it's just me, who knows. It brings me joy to lift others or help others to work through a problem but for all of the joy it brings it is equally exhausting. When I was young I can remember feeling the weight of peacemaking and finding ways to release it. As young as elementary school I can remember picturing to one side, my favourite things, and on the other, the things that felt heavy. With each exhale I would picture all of the heavy things leaving my brain and on the inhale I would picture my favourite things filling the space. In and out, unti...


The last few years have seen a lot of soul searching for me - a lot of likes, dislikes, needs and dreams. This year, while I set out to make more time for me and the things I love, or need, I am strengthening my awareness of it all. I'm paying attention to the things that are actually a treat, actually joyful, healthy, helpful, or empowering. For a while now I have been finding my way through the joy and reward of the constant evolution of communication and marketing. Of course, this would not be a joyful process without the support and encouragement of the incredible humans that choose to show up and give support in my life, both at home and at Vivo. The trust and freedom given to allow for the new, for risk, testing and even failing forward, lends to the joy of it all. Thank you to everyone who helps, gives, supports and trusts this process. And the process? Listening, developing, testing and launching something that you truly believe will help, will make a difference, and wi...

A Million Dreams

Last night I watched The Greatest Showman for the second time, on the big screen. I'll just get this out of the way right off the hop - go see it. There is no doubt in my mind that someone, or several someones, have poured their hearts and souls into it. I hope you will love it and find as much joy in it as I did.  This movie isn't just amazing, it's also incredibly timely. Every single song is powerful, beautiful, and true. While I love them all, the one that spoke the most to me is called  A Million Dreams . The feel-good, upbeat, "celebration of humanity" also happens to be directly in line with my intentions for this year, in particular, owning my crazy. I close my eyes and I can see, the world that's waiting up for me, that I call my own. I'm not a stranger to crazy - crazy ideas, crazy behavior, crazy happy - it's sort of something that's been a part of me for my whole life. In most situations, owning my crazy is something I've beco...

Loving Me

While I did just write about the importance of starting with you when it comes to living like love, I am one hundred percent still working on that. Coming out of the baby and toddler years has made space for so many other endeavors. Somehow, those endeavors always seem to be for others. You know, "oh, I don't have time for that workout, I have to do the laundry, get this project finished for work" - insert any wife/mother/human activity. For whatever reason, there seems to be a tendency to put ourselves last. Why is it that loving ourselves is the last thing we do? And the hardest thing to do? This last year pushed me to grow, and learn, and trust myself. I stepped up and out of my comfort zone, into new and different roles, and learned to balance work with home life. This year, I am adding a new piece to the balance. This year I am committing to loving myself - to giving myself as much love and attention as I am able to give to all of the other endeavors in my life. ...